Lubricating & Rewetting drops
Linsensuppe drops / Germany
Lexxoo Komfort Plus drops / Germany
Gelone drops / Czech Republic
Bonte MED Gotas Hidratantes Y Refrescantes/ Spain
BioAir moisturizing drops/ Poland
Lumi Vision Rewetting Drops/
i lube Intensive Moisturising & Comfort drops/ Bahrain, Middle East
Aquasoft Astek Lubricating & Rewetting drops/ Iran
Freshkon refreshing drops/ Malaysia
aire refreshing drops/ Malaysia
Sofclear refresing drops/ Vietnam
Fashion Care Premium Moisturizing & Comfort Drops / Saudi Arabia
Get lens / UK
Augenliebe drops / Germany
ONS MERK Hya drops / Germany
Solupharm drops/ Spain & Portugal
Zenoptic moisturizing & comfort drops / Romania
Max Optifresh bioplus moisturizing & comfort drops/ Europe
Encore comfort drops/ Malaysia
Vision Express rewetting drops/ India
Aqua refreshing drops / Vietnam
Max optifresh lubricating & rewetting drops/ Malaysia, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, UK, Middle East, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Vietnam, Maldives, Poland
IGEL Refreshing Drops / Malaysia
IGEL Comfort Drops / Malaysia
Lavue Lubricating & Rewetting Drops / Malaysia
Comfort Drops Rewetting & Lubricating Drops / Thailand.
Optimedics drops / Germany
Xtreme drops / Germany
Senti-2 drops/ Spain & Portugal
Optimedics HYA drops / Germany
Everclear / UK
Horien aqua comfort rewetting drops/ Poland
Quies optik lubricating & rehydration drops / France
a+ lubricating & rewetting drops/ Indonesia
Magic comfort drops/ Vietnam
X2 contacts moisturizing & comfort drops/ Indonesia
Aquasoft fresh/ Taiwan
Maxima Revital Drops Moisturizing & Lubricating Drops / Thailand
Duna AI Drops / Thailand
List of Formulations.
Hypromellose 0.3%w/v drops.
Hypromellose with Sodium Hyaluronate drops
Sodium Hyaluronate 0.1%w/v drops.
Sodium Hyaluronate 0.15% w/v drops
Sodium Hyaluronate 0.18%w/v drops
Sodium Hyaluronate 0.3%w/v drops
Sodium Hyaluronate 0.4%w/v drops